Vapalla's cels
Tenshi ni Narumon-Other Female Characters~

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Here are all of the female characters other than Noelle that we have managed to collect from Tenshi ni Narumon. We have all the major ones and several cels of Muse in her alternates forms. We like to find Miruru in her varied moods, and we have a few nice Sara cels. We have been especially lucky in finding beautiful Silkys. A few of her from the end of the series are some of the most beautiful cels in our entire collection! In addition, we have excellent portrait cels of Natsumi, Mama, Ruka, Sensei (Teacher), & Baba, but one of our absolute favorite portraits is of Squid Noelle!

 Silky Floating Away

 Blue Miruru


 Silky Cries

 Big Maid Miruru Pan

 Angry Silky

 Teacher (Sensei)

 Portrait of Mama

 Perfect Muse Portrait

 Perfect Natsumi Portrait

 Full Length Silky (Oversized)

 Amazing Squid Noelle Portrait

 Ruka with Background

 Miruru Drinking Milk

 Chibi Natsumi

 Winged Silky

 Perfect Ruka Portrait

 Sara Blushing

 Angry Silky Close-up

 Baba Playing Cards

 Baba (Final Episode)

 Muse as a Vacuum Cleaner

 Silky with Halo

 Smiling Muse
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Curator: vapalla
Gallery Created: 1/28/2003
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