Vapalla's cels
Saiyuki - Reload & Gunlock

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Going West, Going West, STILL Going West! And a long strange trip it's been! We love our Gensomaden drawings but Reload sketches are really hot! Shown in 2003-04, Studio Pierrot redesigned the characters. We are currently focusing on Reload and Reload Gunlock art more than Gensomaden. At my daughter's request, we made a major effort to find "chibis" or, to be more accurate, younger flashback versions of many of the characters. We have found quite a few very nice ones! "Expect the Reload & Gunlock section of our collection to expand for a little while.

Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Opening 2:

 Goku Eating Manju



 Wounded Hakkai


 Sad Chibi Goku

 Hakkai Gunlock OP

 Hakkai Gunlock OP Pan

 Hazel Glowing

 Chibi Kamisama


 Bloody Sanzo

 Goku Reload OP

 Goku Reload OP

 Goku Reload OP

 2 Chibi Gojyo sketches

 Hakuryu Gunlock OP

 Dr. Nii


 Chibi Hazel

 Chibi Sanzo

 Hakkai Portrait

 Kamisama as a Sanzo

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Curator: vapalla
Gallery Created: 1/28/2003
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